Watch_Dogs 2
As part of the Watch_Dogs team in Ubisoft Paris, I worked on Watch_Dogs 2 from pre-production to launch, designing audio content and tools.
Reward Circuit
Reward Circuit is my entry for Ludum Dare #31. It was mostly an excuse to experiment with building a semi-random soundscape from sounds streamed from
Watch_Dogs: Bad Blood DLC
I was lucky enough to be part of the audio team working on Watch_Dogs’ 1st DLC, Bad Blood, at Ubisoft Paris, from April to September 2014.
event[0] student prototype
In event[0], you find yourself boarding a ghost spaceship controlled by a somewhat temperamental artificial intelligence.
TVittr Saga is a ridiculous RPG with highly anti-social content, developed in 48hrs during the 2014 Global Game Jam.
The Drawing Space
The Drawing Space is an immersive telepresence experience developed at SAT (Montréal, Canada).